Saturday 12 January 2008

The Cheek!

Well, the slightly-more-observant-than-I-give-him-credit-for K has accused me of having an affair on the strength of finding some new lingerie in the dirty clothes bin. Well, technically yes, not that I was going to admit it so I leapt for the moral high-ground on the basis that his further evidence is that I haven't been going to bed at the same time as him for some months. Well that's because a) he goes to bed exceptionally early and b) he will want to attempt unsuccessful sex. Again. He claims that "normally", I show him the things I've brought. In answer, I pulled out various items of clothing and grilled him on whether I'd shown it to him before it saw the inside of a wardrobe or after. He had to concede. And I certainly haven't been having an affair for months!

Then there's the small matter of the number of times I've caught him on the internet chatting up women. Now I'm a relatively easy-going person, not out to stop anyone's fun and I took the line that as long as it stayed as online fantasy, then fine. But I caught him ringing up one woman 8-9 times a day, and 3 months ago, directing another one to our local train station once I was due to be safely out of the country. He claimed that he wouldn't have gone through with it. We'll never know because she bottled it. But for 3.5 years, I haven't gone on about the lack of full-on activity, he's been (not very) secretly attempting to find out if the problem can be solved with a different shag, can I be blamed for cracking and getting some attention elsewhere?

Meanwhile the other lover is agging for a replay. Perhaps once more....

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