Friday 21 March 2008


Now that I am officially single, and "of a mind" to play, I am mostly thinking in my spare time about cock. Seeing cock, holding cock, sucking cock, fucking cock. I am mentally running through the cock-owners of my acquaintance and considering the possibilities. I am aware that I could launch myself like an Exocet through their lives, and I should be wary.

There's F, a good friend who put in an early bid when he found out that I might be coming back onto the market - but I am also close to his girlfriend, so that doesn't feel right. There's Y, who so desperately needs a confidence boost, but I really must not go back to giving sympathy shags and really, he needs a full-time girlfriend, not a session with an older woman who will confuse him.

Work in general is already delivering complications enough. Orchestra would deliver my choice in septuagenarians. Hmm... new hunting grounds required?


JW said...

I hear supermarkets are good hunting ground nowadays. And, of course, if you don't find a man to buy you dinner and subsequently provide what you're dreaming of then at least you've picked up food to cook for yourself ...

Hair Monster said...

Cook for myself? Good God what is the world coming to? In fact I had to do just that last night for the first time in about 18 months, as the sprog was out.

But there was a very nice young man in the furniture shop I visited this morning - I should have flirted a bit more obviously, but I'm rusty...

David said...

I hear the Interweb is quite a rich hunting ground these days. But what would I know about it ...?

Bittersweet said...

blogs .. bloggers, even. Apparently.

Nemo said...

I have all the confidence in the world you shall find all that you need. Happy Hunting!!

Oh, and I've tagged you!